The Game
The game of FootGolf is played from the teeing zone with each player aiming for the hole on the green zone in the fewest number of kicks. It is played with minimal supervision of a marshal and depends on the integrity of the player to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules. All footgolfers should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner demonstrating courtesy at all times and sportsmanship regardless of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of FootGolf.
Your Style
Upper Body – Shirt with collar
Lower Body – Golf style shorts and Knee-high socks
Footwear – Indoor or AstroTurf style trainers
Head (optional) – Flat cap or Golf style cap

Your equipment
Get Ready
Be prepared on your starting tee at least 10 minutes before your tee time.
(You cannot do that! You cannot practice on the course before you start).
Be ready to tee off!

The Teeing Zone
The player with the best previous score always goes first. Wait for your turn to kick the ball down the fairway. You can kick from the ground or tee up to 2m behind the markers (Tee is optional).
The Fairway
When on the fairway, the player furthest from the hole plays first. If any ball is in the way or in a position which is an advantage to you, it must be marked and removed. If your ball interferes with another player, you can mark it. If you hit another ball on the fairway, the ball that has been hit must be replaced to the original position.

The Green Zone
You must mark your ball in the Green or within 3m of the hole. If you don’t mark your ball and it gets hit by another ball, you will both be penalized with one kick. The correct way to mark the ball is to place your ball marker behind the ball in line with the hole. When putting, you can use the toe or instep but NOT the sole of your shoe to roll the ball.
When in the bunker, you are not allowed to run or scoop the ball out. Remember to rake the bunker for following players upon completion of your kick.

Penalty Areas
If your ball goes to a water hazard you can:
• Play from where it lies using the hazard kick (no running)
• Play the ball from where you last played with one penalty kick
• Play the ball within 2m of the point of entry with one penalty kick
• Play from a point linking where it last crossed the hazard and the flag and go back as far as you like. If the ball crossed the hazard and went into the water green-side you can drop on the hazard line at the point it went in
Out of Bounds

You can always shout “STOP” when your ball has come to rest and mark it. You cannot pick it up unless another player asks you to. If your ball moves, you can move it back.

Code of Conduct
• No smoking!
• No drugs!
• No alcohol!
• No abusive language!