
The Game

The game of FootGolf is played from the teeing zone with each player aiming for the hole on the green zone in the fewest number of kicks. It is played with minimal supervision of a marshal and depends on the integrity of the player to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules.

All footgolfers should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner demonstrating courtesy at all times and sportsmanship regardless of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of FootGolf.

Questions About Rules


PART 1 – Introduction.
1-1 – General
1-1-1 The game of FootGolf.

1-2 – Forms of The Game.

1-2-1 Stroke play.
1-2-2 Match play.
1-2-3 General penalty.

1-3 – The Committee.

1-3-1 Conditions and suspension of a rule.
1-3-2 Tournament Director and Marshals. 
1-3-3 The Course.
1-3-4 Extreme circumstances.
1-3-5 Starting times and Groups.
1-3-6 Scorecard.
1-3-7 Decision in dead heats.
1-3-8 Penalty involving disqualification; Committee consideration.
1-3-9 Protests and penalties.
1-3-10 Marshall and/or Committee decision.
1-3-11 Game suspension/interruption.
1-3-12 Special Player Circumstances. 

PART 2 – Player Code of Conduct.

2-1 – General

2-1-1 Respecting the code of conduct.
2-1-2 The spirit of the game.
2-1-3 Safety.
2-1-4 Attitude towards other players.
2-1-5 Scoring.
2-1-6 Pace of Play.
2-1-7 Priority on the Course.
2-1-8 Care of the bunkers.
2-1-9 Field damage caused by shoes.
2-1-10 Unnecessary damage prevention.
2-1-11 Agreement on an invalid game.

2-2 – During the Game.

2-2-1 Knowledge of the rules.
2-2-2 Exercising influence on the ball’s motion or altering physical conditions.
2-2-3 Starting time.
2-2-4 Being prepared to play.
2-2-5 Undue delay: slow game.
2-2-6 Time to complete the round.
2-2-7 Player Timings.
2-2-8 Advice.
2-2-9 On the Green.
2-2-10 Unfinished Hole.
2-2-11 Practice.
2-2-12 Changing/modifying the ball
2-2-13 Controversial Aspects.
2-2-14 Scores not in agreement.
2-2-15 Failure to complete round.
2-2-16 Validating the ball position.
2-2-17 Issues not stipulated in the rules.

2-3 – Footwear & Clothing.

2-3-1 The correct footwear and clothing.
2-3-2 Changing footwear and clothing. 
2-3-3 Kicking without the shoe.

Part 3 – Definitions.

3-1 – General

3-1-1 Advice.
3-1-2 Ball Marker.
3-1-3 Caddie.
3-1-4 Committee.
3-1-5 Equipment.
3-1-6 Foreign Cause / Outside Agency / External Factor.
3-1-7 Honour.
3-1-8 Marker & Player.
3-1-9 Marshal/Umpire.
3-1-10 Penalty stroke.
3-1-11 Vocabulary used.

3-2 – The playing zones.

3-2-1 Abnormal course conditions / Unsafe course conditions
3-2-2 Bunker.
3-2-3 Casual Water.
3-2-4 Course.
3-2-5 Drop zone.
3-2-6 Fairway.
3-2-7 Flagstick or flagpole or pin.
3-2-8 Green Zone.
3-2-9 Ground under repair (GUR)
3-2-10 Hole.
3-2-11 Immovable obstruction.
3-2-12 Loose impediments.
3-2-13 Movable obstruction.
3-2-14 Out of Bounds.
3-2-15 Sticks (white, red/yellow, blue, others).
3-2-16 Tee zone.
3-2-17 Water hazard or Penalty Areas (Yellow / Red)
3-2-18 Wrong Green.
3-2-19 Wrong Hole.

3-3 – About The ball

3-3-1 Ball
3-3-2 Ball ‘in play’
3-3-3 Ball ‘holed’
3-3-4 Ball ‘marked’ and then replaced.
3-3-5 Lost ball
3-3-6 Moved ball
3-3-7 Positions of the ball
3-3-8 Provisional or temporary ball
3-3-9 Replacement ball
3-3-10 Wrong ball

3-4 – About the shot.

3-4-1 Advantageous Position.
3-4-2 Area of intended line of play.
3-4-3 Dropping.
3-4-4 Equidistant point.
3-4-5 Hazard Kick.
3-4-6 Interference.
3-4-7 Nearest Point of Relief.
3-4-8 Position of Previous Kick.
3-4-9 Putt line.
3-4-10 Shot or kick.
3-4-11 Stance and Run-up.

Part 4 – Situations of play.
4-1 – General
4-1-1 Improving the situations. 
4-1-2 Building a Stance. 
4-1-3 Looking for the ball 
4-1-4 Playing (ball, way, position).
4-1-5 Marking the ball or its position

4-1-6 Stop Rule
4-1-7 Lost or moved ball marker.
4-1-8 Grabbing the ball
4-1-9 Cleaning the ball
4-1-10 Unplayable ball
4-1-11 Damaged or Lost ball
4-1-12 Order of Play.
4-1-13 Out of Bounds.
4-1-14 Ball at rest moved.
4-1-15 Deflected or stopped moving ball

4-2 – The Tee Zone.

4-2-1 Placing the ball and kicking.
4-2-2 Using a Tee.
4-2-3 Tee Markers.
4-2-4 Obstruction on intended line of play.
4-2-5 Playing from the wrong tee.

4-3 – The Penalty Areas.

4-3-1 General
4-3-2 Yellow Penalty Area (Frontal Water Hazard).

4-4 – The Bunker.

4-4-1 Ball or player inside the bunker.
4-4-2 Ball outside the bunker.
4-4-3 Multiple balls in the bunker.
4-4-4 Raking the bunker.
4-4-5 Occasional water in the bunker.

4-5 – Green, Fairway and Rough.

4-5-1 Impediments
4-5-2 Touching the putt line or the intended line of play
4-5-3 Ten seconds Rule
4-5-4 Ball on the Golf green or Ground Under Repair
4-5-5 Marking on the green
4-5-6 Managing the flagstick

PART 1 – Introduction

1-1 – General 

1-1-1 The game of FootGolf

The game of FootGolf consists of playing a ball with the foot from the starting place, usually called “Teeing zone”, until the ball is inside the hole, with one or more kicks according to the following rules. It is played on FootGolf Courses, that consist of 9 or 18 holes of different lengths and relative expected number of kicks needed to finish them (defined as PAR – min. 3 and max. 5). Along the holes, players must face designed obstacles, such as water hazards and bunkers, before getting to the green. The green is the area where the hole is placed, usually called “Green Zone”. The Committee or authority will determine the borders, hazards, starting points and locations for the course. The holes must be played consecutively from the starting position otherwise they will be disqualified.

1-2 – Forms of The Game

1-2-1 Stroke play

A stroke play competition means that the players finish every section of a prescribed round or rounds, and in connection with every single round they give back their scorecards, on which the gross values of all sections are indicated. In the competition, all players are playing against all other players. The player who plays the prescribed round or rounds with the lowest number of kicks becomes the winner.

1-2-2 Match play

During a match, one of the parties’ plays against the other party in a determined round. In match play, the game is played based on sections (holes). Apart from the situation where the rules regulate the case otherwise, the party who manages to get its ball into the hole with the lower number of kicks wins the section.

1-2-2.1 ‘Golf-style’ Match play

The assessment of the status of the match is done with the following expressions: this much section advantage (“holes up”), or equal (“all square”) or these many sections left (“to play”). The player is declared “dormie” if they are leading in the game with a number of sections equalling to the number of remaining sections.
  1. Halved section A section is halved if all parties get the ball into the hole with the same number of kicks.
  2. Winner of the match The match is regarded as won if one of the parties is leading with a higher number of sections than the number of remaining sections in the game. If there is a dead heat, the Committee may increase the prescribed round with such a number of sections which is necessary for winning the game.

1-2-2.2 ‘Football-style’ Match play

Instead of a section being awarded holes up, the win of each section is awarded a goal. In this situation, all holes are played resulting in an 18-hole score similar to the match in Football. This is known as ‘Win a hole, score a Goal’ match play. Halved section A halved section will result in no goals being awarded. Winner of the match The match is regarded as won if one of the parties, at the end of the 18 holes, has the higher number of won sections. A score will be recorded after all 18 holes are played. Example: Player A wins 7 holes, Player B wins 4 holes, match score 7-4.

1-2-2.3 Allowing a match, section or the next kick

The player may concede the final putt within any hole or a hole at any time before starting or finishing the concerned hole. The allowance cannot be rejected or withdrawn. A player is entitled to ‘finish’ the hole after a concession.

1-2-3 General penalty

The penalty for breaking any rule is +1 kick, except for cases where it is regulated otherwise. A penalty stroke will be inflicted for every evidence of breaching of a rule and can be applied for holes that are already completed if an earlier incident had not been noticed.

1-3 – The Committee

1-3-1 Conditions and suspension of a rule

The Committee must set the conditions under which the competition is played including format and eventual local rules. A local rule is an additional rule that the Committee can introduce as is found needed due to the specific FootGolf Course conditions/characteristics. The committee is not authorized to suspend a FootGolf rule unless the conditions mean the creation of such rule is necessary for the continuance of play. This must be approved by FIFG Rules Committee and communicated accordingly.

1-3-2 Tournament Director and Marshalls

For each qualifying event, the organizer shall designate a responsible tournament director(s) and marshals who will make any decision that will promote the smooth running of the competition. They are responsible for checking the condition of the course and the location of the tees before the groups start. They monitor the progress of the groups and intervene on the slow play. They are permitted to issue sanctions.

1-3-3 The Course

The course shall be prepared with an equal amount of playable shots for all types of players. In certain situations, additional Teeing Zones will be provided for declared categories of play (e.g. Ladies or Kids).
Players cannot compete in a general category when multiple tee zones are in play (Example a senior cannot compete against men if they are playing from a forward tee position)

1-3-4 Extreme circumstances

In the event of damage or extreme circumstances, the Committee may determine a new hole in a similar place of the original one (only before the starting of the round). If during a round a hole becomes unplayable the Committee may allow groups to not play the cancelled hole(s) to preserve the regular progress of the game, awarding the score of PAR for all players no matter if the hole(s) has been effectively played or not. Moreover, the Committee can suspend or interrupt the game due to momentary or permanent unplayable conditions.

1-3-5 Starting times and Groups

The Committee determines the starting times and creates the groups in which the players are supposed to play. If a competition is played through several rounds, the Committee must determine the time limit before which all rounds should be finished.

1-3-6 Scorecard

The Committee shall be obliged to provide a scorecard to every player, which contains the date and the name of the player and the scorer or—in case of team play—the names of the teams.

1-3-7 Decision in dead heats

The Committee shall be obliged to report, in what way, on which day and in what time it will bring a decision concerning a halved match or a stroke play tie. If a blind approach is used, the point must be pre-determined and available for all players with the location fair for players of all types. The non-kicker must not face the first shot. If Penalty Putts are used the distance must be between 5 and 10 metres and each player plays 5 alternate putts followed by sudden death until a result is achieved.

1-3-8 Penalty involving disqualification; Committee consideration

If the Committee finds a player guilty in a heavy breach of the etiquette, under this rule it may apply a penalty of disqualification. The penalty of disqualification may be suspended or modified in some extraordinary, unique cases, if the Committee regards it as reasonable. Any other penalties, which are less serious than the disqualification, cannot be suspended or modified.

1-3-9 Protests and penalties

If the competition is already over, no penalty shall be cancelled, modified or issued. The scores are considered final when they are signed by both scorer and player on the scorecard and delivered to the Committee. Exceptions: a penalty shall be applied after finishing the competition. Any evidence including film will need to be submitted to the tournament committee within 30 days. If the player breached a base rule of behaviour and fair-play or
  1. They marked on their returned scorecard a lower result from any of the sections than they had actually made. Penalty disqualification for player and +1 kick for marker
  2. The player failed to apply a rule against themselves due to their own improper knowledge of the rulebook. Penalty: +1 penalty in the score of the hole where the infraction occurred OR disqualification when DQ is the applied penalty. Additionally the marker may receive a penalty for non-interventionv
  3. The marker failed to apply a rule against their player in the group due to improper knowledge of the rulebook. In this case +1 penalty in the score of the hole where the infraction occurred. This is considered ‘bad advice’ or non-intervention
If a protest is submitted, the Committee shall bring its decision as soon as possible, to ensure that – in case of necessity – the problem occurred is resolved. Players cannot agree on eliminating the validity of any of the rules, or to disregard any of the issued penalties; if they still do so, the penalty for the breach of the rule, involving disqualification, shall be made without any time limitation. In case the disputable affair is not being solved between the organizing Committee and the complaining player, they may both submit a request, to reach a mutually approved statement, to the Rules Committee acting as an official FIFG authority, so that they can express their opinion about the fairness of the brought decision. In the event that a decision cannot be reached, the Court of Arbitration for Sport can be consulted. A maximum deadline of 30 days will be given for a player to submit a protest.

1-3-10 Marshall and/or Committee decision

If a Marshall has been appointed by the Committee, the decision of the Marshall shall be regarded as final. In case of a missing Marshall, in any disputable or doubted issue in connection with the rules, players have to contact the Committee and its decision shall be final.

1-3-11 Game suspension/interruption

Players can discontinue their game only if:

  1. The suspension is commanded by the organizing Committee with a siren or a notification, in this case players must leave the course and reach the club house waiting for the next communication of the organizing committee.
  2. A player is caught by an unexpected indisposition (e.g. injury), and they may ask to TD or Marshal for help/support. Play must be continued without delay, so the group behind (only one) must be called to continue play and the overcame group must restart playing when they have completed the hole. If the player is not ready to play, then they will be scored PAR +10 (Example: On a Par 3 the player will record 13) for that hole and every following hole missed. If there are no following groups, a player can have a maximum of 15 minutes (example: final group).
  3. A clear problem of safety makes impossible to continue the game, players are asked to inform the TD or Marshal.
  4. f the game is suspended by the Committee the players of the group can choose to finish the hole (if the conditions are respecting the safety parameters) or mark the balls in their still positions. However, then they must reach the club house as soon as possible. The decision reported above must be taken in accordance between the players that are currently playing the hole and the majority prevails. In case of tie (e.g. 2 vs 2 in a group of 4 players) the most safety assuring action will be applied so players must mark the ball and leave the course immediately.

In the case of an interruption of the game due to bad weather, darkness or any other reason taken into consideration by the organizing committee, the following will be considered valid:

  1. the first 15 holes if all players played them.
  2. the first 12 holes if all players played them.
  3. the first 9 holes if all players played them.

In the event of a shotgun competition, the minimum number of holes completed by all players will be valid.
If not all players played at least 9 holes, the round must be considered invalid.

1-3-12 Special Player Circumstances

​In the event a player has a special circumstance which requires the adaption of the tournament rules, the decision is that of the Tournament Committee.

PART 2 – Player Code of Conduct

2-1 – General

2-1-1 Respecting the code of conduct

​The following sections provide basic instructions of behaviour and conduct to play FootGolf properly. If these instructions are followed, every player will enjoy the sport at its best. The fundamental rule is that during the game, respect should be shown to every player at all times without exceptions. Continual disregard of these guidelines will result in the player responsible being disqualified.
FIFG adopts a strict policy of appropriate behaviour throughout FootGolf tournaments, as well as appropriate comments to the media and through social media. Any conduct deemed to be unprofessional and/or damaging for FIFG itself or a FIFG member country organization is subject to disciplinary action
Actions that are in violation of this conduct include but are not limited to:

  1. Abusive or threatening behaviour or language, even via social media
  2. Throwing or kicking the ball away in anger
  3. Wilful and overt destruction, abuse or vandalism of property, including animal and plant life
  4. Continual ignorance of etiquette on the course
  5. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, during tournament play on the course
  6. Failure to smooth the bunker after play
  7. Listening to music during the game (earphones including)
  8. Wearing clothes with logos of FootGolf organization not affiliated to the FIFG

Penalty: Offence One +1 kick, Offence Two DQ
Activities which are in violation of any laws, course regulations or FootGolf course rules may result in disciplinary action. Tournament Director and/or Committee are granted the discretion to disqualify a player based on the severity of the offending conduct.
Additionally, the following conduct is not acceptable:

  1. Possession of illegal substances
  2. Possession and consumption of alcohol from the start of play until scorecard is submitted
  3. Excessive use of alcohol on tournament site
  4. Failure or refusal to enforce rules of FootGolf or cooperate with tournament officials, host staff or competitors including aggressive or abusive behaviour
  5. Cheating

Penalty: Offence One DQ
Please note: FIFG operates a zero-tolerance policy on illegal drug or substance misuse. Any player found contravening this policy during a FIFG event will be immediately disqualified.

2-1-2 The spirit of the game

FootGolf is played, most of the times, without the supervision of a marshal. The game is based on the integrity of the individual to show respect to the other players and to the rules. Every player should behave with discipline, showing kindness and a sports spirit, independently of their level of competitiveness. A competitor that has fallen into a penalty should inform the situation to their marker as soon as possible. It is also recommended to the marker to ask the player in the moment of the action to, in case of having to discuss it, do it in the moment. This is the spirit of FootGolf.

2-1-3 Safety

Players should make sure that nobody is standing near or in a position where they might be injured when their kick is executed. Players must not play until every player on the course is out of their reach. Players should also give notice to the course watchers who are close or in front of them, when they are about to play a shot which could endanger them. Moreover, players must always act to preserve the safety of themselves or any other person by refraining from dangerous acts (e.g. diving into lakes to recover their ball).

2-1-4 Attitude towards other players

Do not bother or distract your fellow competitors. Players must always show consideration towards other players and they should not disturb their game by moving, talking, or making unnecessary noise. Players must make sure that any electronic devices that are brought to the game do not distract other players. On the starting tee, the player must not place the ball until it is their turn. Players should not stand near or behind the ball or the hole when another player is about to play. It is forbidden to leave the teeing zone until all players have played unless asked to mark a ball in play. It is also forbidden to leave the green zone until all players have holed their ball. Offence One: Warning, Offence Two and following offences: +1 kick for each incident

2-1-5 Scoring

Every player — called “marker” for this explanation — should control the game and keep track of the amount of kicks of their assigned “player”, plus any penalty strokes that they have fallen into. The “marker” will be assigned before the game starts and it cannot be changed once it starts (exception made in case of a player’s defection). It is advised to do a general card check outside of the green every time everyone finishes playing a hole, at the end of the game before signing, and then delivering the scorecard to the Committee or before accepting the final scoring in case of electronic apps. The score on each individual hole is the only score that counts, which should be expressed in numbers. The total must be calculated and checked by the Tournament Committee. Both the marker and ultimately the player are responsible for the scorecard, and both are required to sign it. Any errors may result in a penalty to one or both. In the eventual case of a missing signature, the Committee may remind the player to amend it if possible and without altering the overall dynamics of the tournament. If adding any of the missing signatures is not possible, the player is subject to a penalty going from + 10 strokes at hole 18 to even disqualification.

2-1-6 Pace of Play

Play at a good pace until the game is over. The Committee can establish directions about the pace of play players must keep during the game. It is the group’s responsibility to keep their position considering that there may be other groups behind. If the group ahead is making other groups wait, the first group shall let the others pass through and play the hole, no matter how many players there are.

2-1-7 Priority on the Course

Except when the Committee says otherwise, the priority on the course is determined by the pace of play of a group. Any group that is playing a full round (the number of holes considered to play the competition) has the right to cut another group which is playing a shorter round. The term “group” also includes a single player.

2-1-8 Care of the bunkers

Before leaving a bunker, players should arrange and smooth every imperfection they or others, might have made. If there is a rake available near the bunker, it should be used. Penalty for failure to smooth the bunker before the next kick is plus one kick

2-1-9 Field damage caused by shoes

After the hole is finished, every imperfection on the field caused by the players’ shoes should be fixed. Players should repair the damage they caused in the course carefully, including bumps and footprints and any other flaw in the field caused by the ball or the player.

2-1-10 Unnecessary damage prevention

Players should avoid causing damage to the course by taking divots when they practice their shots or when they tap their shoes on the course, because of anger or any other motive. Players should not stand too close to the hole so that they avoid causing any damage to it, and they should act carefully while handling the flagstick or while taking out a ball from the hole. The flagstick should be correctly restored in the hole before players leave the green. Players are requested to not kneel next to the hole and must not stand on the putt line of fellow players – This is deemed as bad etiquette

2-1-11 Agreement on an invalid game

The players cannot agree on excluding the validity of any rule or not taking into consideration any of the issued penalties. If the player is not willing to fulfil a rule, which concerns the rights of the other player, they can be disqualified from the competition. Players can be penalized for serious misconduct during play or after it. Disciplinary procedure after completion of the round/tournament will be applied as tournament disqualification or a possible ban from competing, loss of entry fee, tournament winnings, or prize fund.

2-2 – During the Game

2-2-1 Knowledge of the rules

The player is responsible for ensuring that they have a proper knowledge of the rules of the game and for the proper interpretation and use of definitions and expressions used in FootGolf. A player or marker giving bad advice (e.g. incorrect ruling or non-intervention) will be penalized +1 penalty for each instance. Non-intervention will only apply to the marker of the player or the player themselves

2-2-2 Exercising influence on the ball’s motion or altering physical conditions

A player must not perform actions with the intention of influencing the playing ball’s motion or alter physical conditions with the intention of affecting a whole game. Penalty +1 kick Exception: Equipment belonging to any player must be moved whilst the ball is in motion to avoid collision (Rule 4-1-14) Additionally, A player cannot move equipment or obstructions to stop the motion of the ball – Penalty Disqualification Exception: In the event a ball is kicked towards a water hazard, out of bounds or other zones where the player will consider their ball hard to recover, they can request another player or spectator to stop the ball before entering in these areas and proceed according to the likely situation, to save time.

2-2-3 Starting time

It is the responsibility of the players to collect their scorecard and be ready on their designated starting tee at the designated starting or briefing time. Players arriving after the very first kick of the group will be issued a score of PAR +10 (Example: On a Par 3 the player will record 13). Any subsequent holes will follow the same ruling.

2-2-4 Being prepared to play

Players must be ready to play as soon as their turn comes. When every player finishes playing a hole, all players should leave the green immediately. A player may fall into a “slow play penalty” if they are not ready to play.

2-2-5 Undue delay: slow game

The player must play without any undue delay and according to any game pace of play that the Committee has established. Between the ending of one hole, and the preparation for the next one, the player must not delay the game improperly. The Marshal, or a co-competitor if the Marshal wasn’t there, should warn the player that they are improperly delaying the game and delaying the whole line (according to the time stipulated by the Committee). In case the player continues with the delay, the penalty for breaking this rule would be applied. A group will be deemed to have a ‘bad time’ if there is a clear hole ahead. It is important the group keeps up with the players ahead and NOT just ahead of the players behind.

2-2-6 Time to complete the round

Each group will be allotted a specific time to complete the round in accordance with the time chart (Flight start). When a group falls behind, they must regain their position. Time for rulings and walking time is included in the allotted time and calculated within the buffer. Out of position refers to the group when they take more than the allotted time to finish a check point hole. When a group is out of position at a check point, they will be notified by the TD and given an initial warning. They will be expected to regain their position by the next check point. If at the next check point, they are still out of position, then the group will be issued a final warning and the TD or Marshal will follow that group. If any player in the group is concerned about the non-responsive fellow competitor, a Marshal will be elected to follow that group and time each player. The TD will time each player according to player timings.

2-2-7 Player Timings

In the event a single player is playing slow, the TD will time those players involved and use the following to decide if they are playing slow. Time taken to calculate yardages, alignment, or decision making will be considered within these timings. Timings start as soon as the first player reaches their ball or the previous kick has stopped/been marked. First player: 60 seconds from every zone of the course when the ball is still. Subsequent players: 40 seconds from every zone of the course the ball recently played is still. Any player deemed to make no effort to get the group back into position will be issued a penalty (Examples of this include talking to fellow players not in their group and/or scoring on the green rather than the next tee). Penalties in the event of slow play:
  1. Initial warning to group ‘bad time’
  2. Final Warning to group or player
  3. Penalty to player or players +1 kick
  4. Second penalty to player will be DQ

2-2-8 Advice

During a stipulated round, a player can give, receive and request advice to someone in the competition that is playing on the course but only in the same group. A player may request to anyone to indicate the line of game; however, while executing the shot, no one can be standing in this line or in an extension of it beyond the hole, not even if the player asks them to do so. Any mark placed by the player or with their knowledge to indicate the line of game, must be taken away before the shot is executed. A +1 penalty stroke is given to the player requesting or giving an advice to anyone outside the group. A player or marker giving bad advice (e.g. incorrect ruling or non-intervention) will be penalized +1 penalty for each instance.

2-2-9 On the Green

On the Green, players should not stand in another player’s putt line (behind and in front) or make a shadow on the putt line while they are executing the kick. Players should stay in the green zone until every player had finished playing the hole. Penalties in case of player on the putt line:
  1. Initial warning to the player
  2. Penalty to player or players +1 kick
  3. Second penalty to player will be DQ
Exception: In team events a partner may view the putt line

2-2-10 Unfinished Hole

If a player, in any hole and form of the game, does not roll their ball into the hole and does not correct their mistake before kicking from the next teeing ground, or — in case of the last section — before leaving the green, they shall score PAR +10 (Example: On a Par 3 the player will record 13).

Exceptions made if a final putt or a hole is conceded according to Rule 1-2-2.3.

2-2-11 Practice

  1. Before or in between round(s)
    Before a competition, players are not allowed to practice any zone of the course. In case of it being allowed, the tournament’s organization will inform the player of the zones and the times available for practicing. In the situation where practice is permitted, it will be clearly identified by the committee. Practice will be deemed as playing any shot from any part of the FootGolf course that is the field of competition. Reaching the starting areas by kicking the ball along the course (e.g. in shotgun competitions) is deemed as practicing, and so it’s forbidden. Players must always keep their ball in hand while walking along the course and not playing.
  1. During a round
    A player must not execute a practice shot during the game. Likewise, between holes the player must not execute a practice shot. Repeating a putt is deemed as practice, in every hole. When the ball is removed from the hole it is not allowed to be kicked away or to the next hole. Note: Penalty for each situation of practicing is +1 kick.

2-2-12 Changing/modifying the ball

A player cannot change (exceptions made for lost, provisional or replacement ball) or modify (e.g. the pressure) their ball during a hole, but it’s allowed in between holes.

2-2-13 Controversial Aspects

  1. In stroke play, in case there was a situation which cannot be solved by the players’ knowledge, players must consult about it with any tournament authority or any member of the Rules Committee. If this is not possible without delaying the game they shall play both “situations of play” – (play two balls) which means the player should play the situation with and without applying the rule they think covers the controversial aspect. Then they must write down the game situation to later discuss it when presenting the scorecards.
  2. In case of a doubt or dispute in match play between the players, any player may initiate a protest at any point. The protest should be submitted before any of the players would continue the game from the next kicking place, or—if it is the last section of the match—before any of the players would leave the green. If it is not possible to find a person within a reasonable time with a proper authorization made by the Committee, the players must continue with the game without any further delay. The Committee may take into consideration the protest after the match only if the player submitting the protest informs all the players in their group:
    • during the game, the fact that they want to submit a protest
    • at the end of the game, the fact that they have submitted a protest
    • the facts of the situation and
    • their intention to receive a decision on the issue.
Note: A protest cannot be made after the official scorecard is signed and handed to the committee

2-2-14 Scores not in agreement

When the signed scorecard is handed to the Committee, the following penalty will be applied in case of non-concordant scores:

  1. Player score in one or more holes is recorded lower than what was actually scored = disqualification.
  2. Player score in one or more holes is recorded higher than what was actually scored = score counts.

Both the marker and ultimately the player are responsible for the scorecard, and for the score on each hole. The Tournament Committee will calculate the total score and declare it as the final score.

2-2-15 Failure to complete round

Players can stop their game if they find it necessary (e.g. injury, indisposition, etc.). The remaining players must rearrange their scorecards to ensure they are organized in accordance with the rules. Players not finishing a round may score Par +10 in the remaining holes if at least 50% of the competition is complete. In any other case they shall be disqualified.

2-2-16 Validating the ball position

The player replacing their ball outside the standard procedure of marking the ball (e.g. to continue the game after their ball moved or deflected by a foreign cause), must always seek prior approval from the other players of the group.

2-2-17 Issues not stipulated in the rules

In case any disputable affair is not covered by the rules, the decision should be brought in the spirit of fairness, consulting the tournament authority who will make the decision. Any decision will be guided by whether the player is looking to gain or gaining an advantage

2-3 – Footwear & Clothing

2-3-1 The correct footwear and clothing

The correct footwear to play FootGolf should be exclusively designed for AstroTurf or indoor sport. Golf shoes, shoes designed for traction within sport, and shoes with a strengthened/modified tip are not permitted. Cleats of any kind are not permitted. In official FIFG tournaments, the correct clothing is golf style shorts (shorts or skirt for women) with collar shirt, and long socks which must be worn to the knee at all times. However, the general clothing must be in accordance and respectful of the hosting habitat including in the club house. The Tournament Committee is responsible for these guidelines. Weather specific clothes are allowed. A player wearing incorrect footwear or clothing on the course or in the clubhouse may result in disqualification.

2-3-2 Changing footwear and clothing

A player can change their footwear or clothing only in between holes unless damaged as long as play is not delayed. If during a stipulated game, a player’s footwear gets damaged, the player can use the damaged footwear until the game is over, repair or replace it with any other shoes within the allowed parameter, but not continue without.

2-3-3 Kicking without the shoe

​A player cannot remove their shoes for any shot. Penalty will be +1 kick and replay the shot.

Part 3 – Definitions

3-1 – General

3-1-1 Advice

“Advice” is any suggestion or recommendation that may influence the way a player decides to play, the choice or way of executing a shot. Information about the rules, distances or issues of public domain, such as the obstacles’ position or the green’s flagstick, are also considered advice. See Rule 2-2-8

3-1-2 Ball Marker

An object used to define the location of the ball when ‘marked’ or ‘grabbed’. It must be cylindrical and flat and can be no more than 60mm diameter and 5mm height Note: A player will not be allowed to start the game with an irregular marker.

3-1-3 Caddie

The caddie is an authorized person that follows a player during the game, that can give them advice and assistance. It must be announced to the organizing Committee before the start of the competition. It cannot be a fellow competitor. The caddie cannot stand on the area of intended play or indicate the line of play during the kick. All the rules of good behaviour and respect must be followed by the caddie as well. Moreover, they cannot manage the player’s scorecard – (Penalty +1 kick). Incidents where a caddie has broken a rule will be applied to the players score

3-1-4 Committee

The “Committee” is the commission or organization in charge of the competition. It is the responsible commission on the course.

3-1-5 Equipment

“Equipment” is anything worn or carried by the player (including but not limited to: a bag, extra ball, tee or umbrella). The term “equipment” also includes the player’s caddie. A Golf cart or moving device belonging a group of players will be deemed as belonging to the player kicking. A player is entitled to use a distance measuring device or distance guide. Any mobile device used on the course would need to be on silent.

3-1-6 Foreign Cause / Outside Agency / External Factor

“Foreign cause” is any object, animal or individual that does not participate in the game of the group including the TD and/or Marshal. A player of the same group is NOT a foreign cause, a player of another group IS a foreign cause. Wind is not considered foreign cause.

3-1-7 Honour

It is said that the player who is the first to play from the starting line has the “honour”.

3-1-8 Marker & Player

A “marker” is the person designated by the Committee to control the game and write down the results of a competitor, called “player”. In each group, all the players are someone’s “player” and “marker” at the same time.

3-1-9 Marshall/Umpire

The “Marshal” is the person designated by the Committee to decide rules issues and to apply the rule. The Marshal must take actions towards any infraction of the rules as soon as they witness it or finds out about it or following any investigation. A marshal can stand near the hole or indicate its position, raise the ball or indicate its position.

3-1-10 Penalty stroke

A “penalty stroke” is added to the player’s score as an application of certain rules. The general penalty is +1 kick, unless otherwise stated: e.g. penalty occurred after the first kick, continuing with the third kick, after applying the correct rule and relative penalty, from where the ball stopped, etc. A penalty stroke will be inflicted for every evidence of breaching of a rule.

3-1-11 Vocabulary used

The rules of FootGolf have been written in a very precise and meticulous way. The different words used should be considered:
  1. can/may = optional
  2. should = recommendation
  3. must/mandatory = obligation (with penalties in case of not complying)
  4. replay/repeat = repeat the shot from the original position of the ball
  5. replace = dropping the ball in its original position

3-2 – The playing zones

3-2-1 Abnormal course conditions / Unsafe course conditions

3-2-1.1 Abnormal course conditions

An “abnormal course condition” is any area that is not in its normal and expected conditions, so it is a different state than usual. This includes but is not limited to casual water, repaired turf, tire or vehicle damage, hole in repair, excrements or paths made by a burrowing animal, a reptile or a bird, a big stone, wood, tubes or other unexpected material surfacing from the ground, or an area clearly made Ground Under Repair by the Greens Staff but not marked. An abnormal ground condition can be deemed in every zone in the course except a penalty area including bunker when authorized by a relevant official.

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough NO         Penalty Area NO
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area NO
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area NO*

*Exception: Relief can be obtained for position of the ball from casual water and GUR in the bunker
Players must follow the nearest point of relief ruling

Note: No grass or little grass and slopes or gutters to help drain the water, are not considered as abnormal course conditions.

3-2-1.2 Unsafe course conditions

Is any situation in which the player cannot play its ball without risking their body as a result of an external factor such as alligators near the ball when the ball is resting at the edge of a water hazard, or lapwings birds nests, wasps hives, etc.
Unsafe course conditions can be deemed in every zone in the course and players can gain a free relief at any time except for the intended line of play outside the green zone.

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough NO         Penalty Area NO
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area YES
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area YES

Players must follow the nearest point of relief ruling.

Note: if the ball is inside a penalty area, the player must find the nearest point of relief inside the penalty area.

3-2-2 Bunker

A “bunker” is considered a sand area specially designed, fully enclosed by grass or terrain. An area of sand not bordered by grass or terrain will be considered ‘wasteland’ and the MAIN RULES OF PLAY will be applied. The margin of a bunker extends vertically down, but not up. A ball that is inside the bunker when it lays or any part of it touches the bunker. When the ball is in the bunker all the rules apply regardless of the position of the player (For example, ball inside bunker but the player is outside bunker).

3-2-3 Casual Water

“Casual water” is any temporary accumulation of water in the course, which is not expected to be there (e.g. in the middle of the fairway) and that is visible before or after the player positions themselves. Snow and natural ice, that is not frost, are casual water or loose impediments, depending on the player’s choice. Dew and frost are not casual water. If the player steps on it while making their stance next to the ball, and water bursts from the floor, it will be considered casual water.

In these cases, the nearest point of relief rule will be applied:

Casual water can be deemed in every zone in the course except penalty areas including bunkers but a player can only gain relief on intended line of play from casual water on the green.

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough NO         Penalty Area NO
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area NO
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area NO*

*Exception: Relief can be obtained for position of the ball from casual water in the bunker

3-2-4 Course

The “course” is the whole area inside the boundaries established by the committee. The external boundary of any course will be deemed out of bounds.

3-2-5 Drop zone

A “drop zone” is a designated place, created by the Committee, from where players must restart their play after taking relief from a specific zone of ground under repair, a specific water hazard or any other specific situation of unplayable ball. So, in this case, players must not apply the expected rules of “nearest point of relief” or “equidistant point”.

3-2-6 Fairway

The “fairway” is a clearly defined area closely mown that may link the teeing ground and the green. A ball will be deemed on the fairway when the base touches the fairway.

3-2-7 Flagstick or flagpole or pin

The “flagstick” is a straight pin that must have a flag on it and be placed in the centre of the hole to indicate its position. It should be circular and of a proper material that is not cushioned nor that might influence wrongly the course of the ball. In the event of damage to the hole or flagstick: The flagstick can be ‘held’ as long as it is upright and held in a way to not give the player any advantage.

3-2-8 Green Zone

It is the area in which the hole is located. This area can be defined with a line or with a geographical shape (i.e. Golf Green). A ball is on the Green when any part of it or its projection is touching the “Green Zone.” A ball touching the line is deemed ON the green. In the case the green’s limits are not established, the ball is on the Green Zone when it is within a maximum of three meters from the hole or as defined and not in a hazard.

3-2-9 Ground under repair

“Ground under repair” refers to any part of the course which is marked as such (usually with blue stakes) by orders from the Committee or authorized personnel. All the area and any natural or artificial element inside of the ground under repair is part of it. Ground under repair includes piled up natural or artificial material to be taken away. Staked or newly planted trees are also ground under repair.

  • When the ground’s margin is defined by stakes, these are a part of the ground under repair and its margin is defined by the exterior points which are nearest to the stakes, on ground level.
  • When stakes and lines are used to define a ground under repair, the stakes identify it and the lines define its margin.
  • When the margin of ground under repair is defined by a line on the ground, that line is a part of the ground under repair.

The margin of the ground under repair extends vertically down, but not up. A ball is on ground under repair when it lays in it or any part or projection of the ball is touching it.

In situations players can gain relief from ground under repair being on their intended line of play, stance or position of the ball (also when the ball is on rough – playing from the nearest point of relief). The stakes used to define the margin or to identify a ground under repair are obstructions. A ball touching this line is deemed IN the ground under repair.

Ground under repair can be deemed in every zone in the course except a water hazard.

Note: Play, steps and run-up are prohibited in any ground under repair, the Committee may at times introduce a drop zone.

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough NO         Penalty Area NO
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area NO
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area NO*
*Exception: Relief can be obtained for position of the ball from GUR in the bunker

3-2-10 Hole

The hole will be 50-52 centimeters in diameter and at least 28 centimeters in depth. Any hole that does not match these variables, unless for cases where it is regulated otherwise by the FIFG Rules Committee, will be considered invalid.

3-2-11 Immovable obstruction

An immovable obstruction is any artificial object (created by man) which is on the course. FootGolf tee markers and white sticks defining out of bounds are NOT obstructions and cannot be moved. Any object created by men that is not easy to remove is considered an immovable obstruction. These include pathways, cables and posts for electricity, drain gratings, sprinklers, manholes and any other artificial object on the ground or fixed which may also include stands and tournament materials and the clubhouse or houses on the course too.

These are the situations where a player can find the nearest point of relief from an immovable obstruction:

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough NO         Penalty Area NO
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area NO
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area NO

3-2-12 Loose impediments

“Loose impediments” are natural objects, including:

  1. Small rocks, leaves, small firewood, branches and similar
  2. Excrements
  3. Worms, insects and similar
  4. Loose sand and dirt (Example: A mole hill is loose dirt)

As long as they are not:

  1. Fixed or growing
  2. Solidly embedded
  3. Adhered to the ball

Players can remove loose impediments in the following situations:

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area NO
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area NO
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area NO

Snow and natural ice, which is not frost, are considered either casual water or loose impediments, depending on the player’s choice. Dew and frost are not loose impediments.

3-2-13 Movable obstruction

An obstruction is any artificial object (created by man) which is on the course. FootGolf tee markers and white sticks defining out of bounds are NOT obstructions and cannot be moved (see note). An obstruction is movable if it can be moved without big effort, without improperly delaying the game or causing any damage.
Public signs, rakes, stakes that mark distances, hazards, dropping zones, flagsticks, cans, bottles, generic waste and any other object that is not a part of the game (and that is easily removed) is considered a movable obstruction and may be removed by a player before executing a shot.

The following are the situations where a player can remove a movable obstruction:

Intended Line of Play                 Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES
Stance                                           Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES        Penalty Area YES
Position of the Ball                     Green YES        Fairway / Rough YES         Penalty Area YES

3-2-14 Out of Bounds

“Out of bounds” is the terrain which is beyond the course’s limits or any part of the course marked as such with white stakes and/or white lines on the ground.

  • When out of bounds is defined with stakes or a fence, or is located beyond stakes or a fence, the out-of-boundary line is determined by the outermost points of the fence posts or posts at ground level, excluding angled supports.
  • When stakes or lines are used to mark the limits, stakes identify them and lines define them.
  • When the out of bounds is defined by a line in the ground, the line is considered inside the boundaries—any part of the ball touching this line is in bounds.
  • If a stake is found lying on the floor or out of its original position, it must be replaced in the original position. If the original position is not found or clearly marked, the stake should not be considered as part of the out of boundary line and the line will be defined between the previous and the following stakes.

The line of boundaries is extended vertically up and down. A ball is out of bounds when all of it or its vertical projection on the ground lays outside of the line (defined or imaginary on the ground connecting the two white sticks at both sides of the ball). A player can stand outside limits to play a ball that is inside of them. Objects that define the off limits such as walls, fences, stakes and gates are not obstructions and are considered fixed. A ball touching this line is deemed IN game so NOT out of bounds. See Rule 4-1-13

White stakes defining out of bounds are NOT obstructions and cannot be removed at any time. There are no situations in which a player can gain free relief from white stakes being on their intended line of play, stance or position of the ball.

3-2-15 Sticks (white, red/yellow, blue, others)

Sticks are placed along the course to define different zones of it, they can be removed if interfering with intended line of play, stance or position of the ball from every zone of the course (white excluded).

  • white: defining out of bounds; they can never be removed.
  • red/yellow: defining lateral/frontal water hazards; they can be removed.
  • blue: defining ground under repair zones; they can be removed.
  • others: any other stick (e.g. green, defining distances, …) can be removed.

Note: All sticks must be replaced in the original position before any following shot. Penalty +1 kick to the player who removed the post

3-2-16 Tee zone

The “starting place” is the place from where the players start playing the corresponding hole. It is a rectangular area with a two-meter depth and its front and sides are defined by external limits with two starting marks. The player’s ball must be placed within the teeing ground. A ball is outside the starting place when all of it lays outside of it. The FIFG guideline for tournament play is a minimum three-meter width. The tee markers CANNOT be moved at any time. A ball’s projection touching this line is deemed IN the tee zone.

Tee markers (those from the same hole or from another hole) are NOT obstructions and cannot be removed at any time. There are no situations in which a player can gain free relief from tee markers being on their intended line of play. A player can only take a free relief from tee markers being on their stance or position of the ball.

3-2-17 Water hazard or Penalty Areas (frontal – Yellow and lateral – Red)

A “water hazard” is any part of the course marked as such with yellow or red stakes and/or lines of the same colors on the ground. The penalty area may or may not consist of water or waste area as defined by the committee.
Note: If a penalty area is not defined by red or yellow stakes or lines then its relevance will be decided by the tournament authority during play. Players must contact a marshal or follow 2-2-13
All the ground, obstructions and water inside the obstacle margin is a part of the water obstacle.

  • When the water obstacle margin is defined by stakes, these are considered NOT part of the hazard.
  • When stakes and lines are used to indicate a water obstacle, stakes identify it and lines define it on the ground.
  • When the margin of a water obstacle is defined by a line on the ground, that line is NOT within the water obstacle.

The margin of a water obstacle is extended vertically up and down. A ball is in a water obstacle when the ball or it’s vertical projection is entirely inside the hazard.
The stakes used to define the margin, or to identify, a water obstacle are obstructions. A ball’s projection touching this line is deemed outside of the obstacle.
See Rules 4-3-2 and 4-3-3

3-2-18 Wrong Green

A “wrong Green” is any Green that is not from the hole that is being played at the moment. Unless the Committee says otherwise, this term includes the practice Green or a Green to practice short shots on the course.

3-2-19 Wrong Hole

A “wrong hole” is any Golf or FootGolf hole that is not the current hole being played by that group. A player is entitled to relief from any wrong hole without penalty if interferes with ball, stance or intended line of play (nearest point of relief).

3-3 – About The ball

3-3-1 Ball

The ball used to play FootGolf is the regulation number 5 ball used for football/soccer. The circumference needs to be between 68 and 70 cm, the weight between 400 and 500 grams, and it should be inflated with air only. Any other ball is forbidden and a player playing with an incorrect ball will be disqualified. The playing characteristics of a ball cannot be altered during the playing of a hole.

Note: Players should be prepared and obligated to accept any eventuality including damage or loss of ball.

3-3-2 Ball ‘in play’

A ball is being ‘in play’ as soon as the player has executed the first shot from the initial line of play. The ball continues being played until it is holed, unless it gets lost, outside the course’s boundaries or is lifted, or it gets replaced by other ball, whether the situation is allowed or not. A ball that replaces another one turns into the playing ball. An attempt or intention to play the ball whether contact is made or not will be counted in the players score. Once marked and grabbed, a ball will be considered ‘in play’ ONLY when the ball is kicked.

3-3-3 Ball ‘holed’

A ball is “in” when it rests inside the hole and all of it is below the holes ground edge. A ball that goes into the hole and then jumps out will not be counted as holed.

3-3-4 Ball ‘marked’ and then replaced

A ball is “marked” once the player’s ball marker is placed in the right place on the ground to define the ball’s position, no matter where the ball is or can go due to wind or Foreign Cause / Outside Agency / External Factor. A ball that is replaced and moves due to wind can be replaced to its original position, even if the ball marker has been removed, without penalty as it’s still considered as ‘marked’. When touching the ball, the player must ensure a ball marker is on the ground. (Example: A ball is replaced and is moved by the wind. The player must place their ball marker in the original position and then retrieve and replace the ball.) The validated position due to the “STOP” rule is considered as “ball marked” in the time that the player reaches the ball to mark its position.
Note: If when replaced the ball does not stay still in that place, it should be placed in the nearest place where it can lay still that is not nearer to the hole using the equidistant rule

3-3-5 Lost ball

A ball is considered “lost”, so no longer ‘ in play’ when:

  1. It is not found or identified by the player within the three minutes the player has started looking for it. or
  2. The player has executed the second shot with the provisional ball, that is now the one ‘in play’.
  3. The player has executed a shot with a replacement ball.

A player cannot use the ‘in play’ ball of a fellow player as their replacement or provisional ball.

3-3-6 Moved ball

It is considered that a ball “has moved” when it has left its place and rests in another place. A ball that has a gentle movement oscillating on resting place will NOT be counted as ‘moved’.

3-3-7 Positions of the ball

The positions of the ball are the following:

  • Tee zone: Any part of the projection of the ball must at least touch the imaginary line defining the perimeter.
  • Fairway: Any ball where the base touches the fairway will be deemed inside the fairway.
  • Green or GUR: Any part of the projection of the ball touching the green zone will be classed on the green.
  • Holed: The ball and its entirety must be below the surface of the ground.
  • Out of Bounds: Any part of the projection of the ball touching the boundary line is IN bounds.
  • Water Hazards: Any part of the projection of the ball touching the hazard line is OUT of the hazard.
  • Bunker: Any ball where the base touches sand inside the bunker will be deemed inside the bunker.

When referred to obstructions (movable and immovable) or loose impediments, they are deemed as “interfering with position of the ball” if they touch it.

3-3-8 Provisional or temporary ball

A “provisional ball” is a ball that is played when the player is unsure of the position or location of their original ball (Possibly lost). The player must make clear that they are playing a provisional ball by declaring it ‘provisional’. A provisional ball becomes the ball ‘in play’ when the original ball is definitely lost or out of bounds and/or the provisional ball is kicked for the second time. If the original ball is found within the allotted time and is in bounds then this must be played. A player cannot use the ‘in play’ ball of a fellow player as their provisional ball.

A provisional ball can also be played if the player is unsure about how to play a shot (i.e. taking a free relief). In this case the player can play two balls: the ball in play and the provisional ball. Before making any shot, the player must make clear which one will be the provisional ball. The player must play first the ball considered in play and second the provisional ball. In case the ball in play was allowed by the rules, that one is the ball that counts (the player cannot chose if both balls were played according to the rules). If the ball in play was not allowed to be played according to the rules, the provisional ball counts.

3-3-9 Replacement ball

A replacement ball is a ball which is played, so becomes ‘in play’, instead of the original ball that got lost out of the course’s boundaries or lifted or a ball played because the original ball is damaged. A player cannot use the ‘in play’ ball of a fellow as their replacement ball in any of the circumstances described in rules 3-3-5, 3-3-8, 4-1-11.1 and 4-1-11.2.

3-3-10 Wrong ball

A “wrong ball” is any ball which is NOT:

  1. A player’s own ball
  2. A player’s provisional ball

Note: The term “playing ball” includes a ball that has replaced the playing ball, whether the replacement is or is not allowed.

33-4 – About the shot

3-4-1 Advantageous Position

This refers to the position of the ball or any other movable object (including foreign cause or equipment) on any area of the course which may offer an advantage to any following player. A ball cannot remain on the course for a player to gain an advantage. An example of this could be a ball perched on the edge of a penalty area or bunker within a reasonable distance behind the flag. The term advantageous also applies to balls on or around the green zone when not marked. It is the responsibility of the player kicking to ensure there are no balls on their area of intended play. It is also the responsibility of all players to ensure they do not offer an advantage to following players.

3-4-2 Area of intended line of play

Intended line of play refers to an imaginary direct line linking the position of the ball and the hole. This is decided by the player but needs the agreement from the other players of the group due to avoid unfair behaviour

3-4-3 Dropping

“Dropping” in FootGolf implies placing the ball with the hands on the course, after gaining the expected penalty shots or taking relief. A “free drop” is a drop without penalty, see “nearest point of relief”.

3-4-4 Equidistant point

An imaginary line is drawn from the flag to the ball. The EP is at equal distance from where the ball lays or a position taking full relief (example from a Golf green if play is not permitted). A player will have the choice to move either left or right or a position backwards keeping the ball and flag in line. The ball can pass through a golf green when gaining relief using the equidistant point.

3-4-5 Hazard Kick

A “hazard kick” refers to a form of technique when the ball is inside a bunker or a water hazard. The player must execute the kick without taking a step or running, only with his or her non-kicking foot planted next to the ball. The standing foot is not allowed to move before the kicking foot makes contact with the ball. A player stepping forward immediately before the kick will be deemed an illegal kick; however, the standing foot will be allowed to raise gently to assist the kick.
Players are not permitted to improve the position of the ball or the area around the ball or take a practice kick next to the ball.
Exception: if the kicked ball is returning back and may hit the player, he can move his standing foot to avoid collision.
Note: A foul hazard kick will result in a penalty of plus one kick and the player will have to replay the shot.

3-4-6 Interference

The interference exists when a ball rests or touches the condition or when the condition interferes the player’s stance (see 3-4-11) or the space in which they are practicing the kick (relative to the direction of play). Interference also exists if the condition on the green or fairway interposes in the player’s putt line or intended line of play when playing from fairway or green.

3-4-7 Nearest Point of Relief

The “nearest point of relief” is a reference point on the course to obtain relief without any penalty for interference from an immovable obstruction, abnormal ground conditions, wrong hole, etc.
Note: Golf Green relief where applicable must be played under equidistant rule.

Nearest Point of Relief:
It is the closest point on the field to the resting ball that:

  1. Is not closer to the hole
  2. Where, if the ball was laying there, there would be no interference with the condition that the player wants to get relief from.

Note: The player does not have the option to choose left or right
Relief procedure 1:

  • Mark the original position of the ball and lift it.
  • Place the ball in the new position (nearest point of full relief and an additional optional two meters).
  • Gain agreement from the other players of the group.
  • The ball is now in play and the original marked point can be removed.

When marking the original position of the ball is not possible (e.g. ball in occasional water)
Relief procedure 2:

  • Mark the new position (nearest point of full relief and an additional optional two meters).
  • Gain agreement from the other players of the group.
  • Place the ball in the new position, the ball is now in play and the new marked point can be removed.

3-4-8 Position of Previous Kick

When a player chooses to return to the location of their previous kick (example: unplayable ball or out of bounds), it is advised that a player marks this position before retrieving their ball. The previous kick location must be agreed by all players in the group.

3-4-9 Putt line

The “putt line” is the line that the player expects their ball to follow after a putt on the Green. The putt line also includes a reasonable distance to both sides of the line. The putt line does continue further beyond the hole.

3-4-10 Shot or kick

A “shot/kick” is determined by a back-swing and follow through motion done by kicking the ball with the foot with the intention of hitting and moving the ball.

Practicing the swing of kicking next to the ball is permitted, so there’s no penalty for the player (exception made for ball or player in the bunker and ball in the water hazard).

Players can only use their foot to play a ‘shot’, any other part of the body touching the ball in play will result in a penalty stroke and the ball must be replaced in its original position to continue the game.

Note: A player cannot touch anything with their hands that is fixed or growing when executing the kick (Exception: A player can lie on the ground to kick the ball).

3-4-11 Stance and Run-up

We consider “stance” the minimal position to be taken to perform the shot, so it’s included the space covered by the entire body plus the area covered by it while performing the movement of kicking (e.g. the leg going backward before the kick) by placing the non-kicking foot (either) to the side of the ball relative to the intended line of play.

It’s considered run-up the steps of the player approaching the ball with the objective of taking a shot.
Stance and Run-up cannot improve the situation or lie of the ball or the shot (Refer to 4-1-1)

Part 4 – Situations of Play

4-1 – General

The rules in this section are “MAIN RULES OF PLAY”, so general rules valid in every situation of play, wherever the ball or the player is standing.

4-1-1 Improving the situations

The ball must be played as it is found, unless in a situation where relief or penalty is applied. A player must not improve or allow any improvements of:

  1. The position of the ball.
  2. The space in which they practice their swing approach to the ball, stance or run-up.
  3. Their intended line of play, or a reasonable extension of it beyond the hole or the ball.
  4. The area where they are supposed to drop or place the ball.

By doing any of the following actions:

  1. Pressing the ground with their foot.
  2. Moving, twisting or breaking anything that is growing or attached (including immovable obstructions and objects that define the boundaries).
  3. Creating or eliminating irregularities on the surface.
  4. Removing dew, water or frost.
  5. Protecting themselves or line of play from weather elements. (Example: Holding or being covered by an umbrella or protecting themselves or the ball from wind or movement due to wind.)

Nevertheless, the player will not suffer any penalties if the action happens when:

  1. The player makes a slight pressure with their feet while preparing the shot.
  2. The player takes their stance normally (A player is entitled to use their body to create space in trees or bushes to make their stance but cannot use their hands)
  3. The player executes a shot or the movement of their leg backwards to execute a shot and it is indeed executed.
  4. The player creates or removes irregularities in the teeing ground surface.

The player must replace the ball to it’s original position if there is a gentle movement.
Note: Penalty for breaching this rule is +1 kick and replay shot from the original position.

4-1-2 Building a Stance

A player can step with two feet around the ball while taking a stance, but cannot modify the space around them to build the stance (e.g. touch/grab plants or bushes).
Exception: A player is entitled to use their body to create space in trees or bushes to make their stance but cannot use their hands.
Note: A player cannot touch anything with their hands fixed or growing when executing the kick
Penalty for breach of rule is +1 kick plus replay the shot.

If the ball accidentally moves when the player creates their stance there is no penalty and the ball should be replaced before playing

4-1-3 Looking for the ball

When a player is searching for a ball anywhere on the course (their ball or the ball of an opponent), they can touch high grass, bushes, shrubbery etc but only what is necessary to find it, always trying to take good care of the course and nature, not to alter the position of the ball, the space where they will practice their stance or swing, or their line of play. In case the ball is moved, there is no penalty for the searching player and the ball must be replaced.

4-1-4 Playing (ball, way, position)

4-1-4.1 Playing the right ball

The responsibility of playing the right ball (their one and ‘in play’) is the player’s. Every player should put an identifying mark on their ball. If a competitor executes a hit or hits with a wrong ball, the player will be penalized +1 kick and they must fix the mistake by kicking the right ball or proceeding according to The Rules as soon as possible. If the error is not corrected, the player will add a total of +2 kicks to that hole as penalty. If the wrong ball belongs to another competitor, the owner must place a ball in the place where the wrong ball was played in the beginning (asking for other players’ agreement) without any penalty.

4-1-4.2 Playing in the right way

The ball must be directly kicked with the shoe and it must not be intentionally pushed, dragged, stepped on, scooped, impaled or any other action which is not the direct impact. There is no case in which the player can kick the ball intentionally with the sole of their footwear. Penalty for breaching this rule is +1 kick and replay shot from its original position.

If while executing the shot, the player accidentally hits the ball with any other part of their body more than once (double hit) within the same movement, the player must count this as one single stroke. However, if the ball touches any part of the body or equipment after hitting a tree or any other object, a +1 penalty stroke must be applied and the ball must be played from where it will stop.

If the ball, due to major wind or disruptive conditions, moves and touches the player’s foot, this is not considered a kick and the ball must be replaced in the original spot.

At all times, when the ball is grabbed, a ball marker must be on the ground to indicate the original position

4-1-4.3 Playing from the right position

If the player kicks their ball from a wrong position (e.g. not replacing the ball after a collision or in front of the ball marker) they will receive a penalty of +1 kick and must replay shot from its original position, not considering as valid the kick(s) after the one from the wrong position(s).

If a player fails to play from the correct position and move on, for example realizing about the infraction in a following hole, they must add +2 to the score on the hole when the infraction occurred.

4-1-4.4 Playing a ball in movement

A player must not execute a shot if the ball is in motion.By doing so, they shall receive a +1 penalty stroke and replay the shot from the last position or +2 penalty strokes in case the shot is not replayed (i.e. finishing the hole and move on to the next one).

Note: When a still ball starts to move after the movement to execute the hit has already started, the player does not fall into any penalties.

4-1-5 Marking the ball or its position.

The position of the ball must be marked by using a coin or cylindrical flat object (no larger than 60mm) by placing the marker behind the ball in line with the hole. The ball must be replaced in exactly the same position after the marker is placed. The player must mark every position in which the ball will eventually be situated if it needs to be lifted, including all kinds of reliefs. General penalty applies if either the ball or the mark is not on the ground (exception made when the ball is moved accidentally).

If a player’s marker is an obstruction, it can be moved without penalty either left or right using the player’s foot as a guideline for distance. The player’s foot that is used for marking must be the one who replaces the marker again repeating the procedure to return to the original point.
The player must mark, raise, and eventually clean the ball, always following the stipulated procedure in this rule, in the following cases:

  1. When other players ask to mark the ball’s position because it is interfering with their game
  2. When the ball is inside the Green ‘green zone’ (In case the Green is not marked, within a 3 meter distance from the hole, if, in that distance the ball is not in a hazard). The Penalty of + 1 kick will be applied to both players if two balls, one lying on the green and one approaching the green, collide. The Penalty of + 1 kick will be applied only to the approaching ball player if the player lying on the green is respecting the rule “Marking the ball” and had no time to act properly.
  3. When an obstruction must be removed (according to the rules) and removing it may move the ball.
  4. When it is near the flag or green or in a clear advantageous position for a following player (e.g. on the edge of a water hazard, potentially protecting other balls to fall into it). The ball can be considered in an advantageous position if at least one more player in the group agrees in that definition, in which case a penalty of + 1 kick will be applied to the kicker approaching the green if the balls collide. In case all other players in the group do not agree on this definition, and the following ball collides with the resting one, these other players in the group shall receive a warning and +1 penalty kick if they repeat the same behavior during the round.
  5. If a player has reasons to believe that their ball has become damaged for the game during the hole that is being played at the moment. They must seek prior approval from the other players of the group.
  6. If the ball is lying on a zone that the player has reason to believe it must be investigated and the presence of the ball itself makes it impossible (for example the ball covers a sprinkler or a manhole that cannot be seen without removing the ball). They must seek prior approval from the other players of the group.
  7. When calling STOP according to Rule 4-1-6.

A player who marks a ball without permission and in any other situation not described above, will be given a +1 penalty.

A ball will be considered ‘in play’ ONLY when the ball is kicked, so if the ball moves after the ball marker removal the player must replace it in its original position with no penalty.

When a ball must be dropped and it does not stop in its designed place, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced in front of the marker.

If when replaced the ball does not stay still in that place, it should be placed in the nearest place where it can lay still that is not nearer to the hole using the equidistant rule.

It is allowed to play with the ball marker on the floor at any time and anywhere on the course.

Any organizing member, caddies or players being part of the competition are permitted to mark the ball for another player. In this case, the ball must be replaced either by the one who marked it or by the owner of the ball that was marked. In the event the ball is replaced by the wrong person, the owner of the ball receives a warning, and +1 penalty kick for every time this incidence happens again.

A player who is asked to mark their ball must take ball markers from the other players in the group in order to mark all other subsequent balls if requested. Players not following this procedure will receive a warning, and +1 penalty kick for every time this incidence happens again. Only a Marshal or TD are allowed to issue these sanctions and will be applied to all players in the group.

4-1-6 Stop Rule

At any time during a round and anywhere on the course, a player can apply the Stop rule. The player is entitled to call ‘STOP’ and must replace their ball in its initial position if it has moved (even without having marked it yet), if and only if the ball had completely stopped.

If a player fails to call ‘STOP’ and the ball moves for any reason (excluding a foreign cause), then the player must play the ball from the new position until the next player in the group executed the next shot (in which case the ball must be replaced back to the original position). Exception made for a ball holed after 10 seconds, even if the ball is not on the green, in which case it must be replaced back to the original position.

STOP Rule Procedure:

  1. The player must raise their hand and say “STOP” in the moment when the ball is still.
  2. The other players in the group must validate the position. In case of dispute, the majority prevails (a marshal or TD can rule in this situation).
  3. Once called “STOP”, the player must put the marker in the validated position.
  4. If the ball moves after declaring the “STOP”, the validated position will be considered for marking the ball that must not be grabbed unless requested by another player.

4-1-7 Lost or moved ball marker

4-1-7.1 Lost ball marker

If a player marks their ball and then cannot find their ball marker within 3 minutes to go on with the game, they must play the ball, with +1 penalty stroke, from the position that the majority of the players of the group declares as the nearer position from what they think the ball marker should be.
Exception: No penalty expected for lost ball marker after leaving a hole for game suspension.

4-1-7.2 Moved ball marker

  1. By the owner or another player

If a player moves a ball marker, whether accidentally or not, they will receive a +1 penalty kick and must replace it back to the original position.​​

  1. By a Foreign Cause / Outside Agency / External Factor

In this case, the player must play the ball, without any penalty stroke, from the position that the majority of the players of the group declares as the nearer position from what they think the ball marker was before the movement.

4-1-8 Grabbing the ball

Once the game has started, the ball cannot be raised or grabbed by the player, unless it is under conditions which are explicitly authorized by the rules or by local rules. In authorized cases for raising the ball, the player must always give notice to their marker or other player that they will do so, expressing the cause, and proceeding to indicate the ball’s position (marking the ball). After this procedure, the ball can be picked up.

When the ball is grabbed, a ball marker must be on the ground to indicate the original position (general penalty will apply for any ball grabbed without being marked). The ball must be replaced by the person who marked it or by the owner of the ball.

4-1-9 Cleaning the ball

A player can clean the ball only when marked according to rules or in between holes. Players cannot mark and/or pick up the ball just for cleaning it (exception made for ball on the green).

4-1-10 Unplayable ball

The player can consider their ball as unplayable anywhere on the course. However, a ball that has stayed stuck in a tree, bush or plant at a height in which the player cannot kick it with one foot on the floor is considered “mandatory unplayable”.

This situation should proceed as follows: The player whose ball stays elevated has 30 seconds to wait for their ball to become playable according to rules (so with no direct or indirect interfering) as soon as they reach the situation. After this amount of time, the ball is declared unplayable and if the tree/bush is out of bounds, the kick is repeated from the original position, if it is within limits the unplayable ball rule will be applied. In both cases, a penalty stroke will be counted. So, if the player decides the ball is unplayable, the player must:

  1. Drop the ball using the nearest point of relief + 2 meters; or,
  2. Drop the ball behind the point where the ball is resting, keeping that point directly between the hole and the place where the ball is dropped, without distance limit behind; or
  3. Return to the location of the previous kick.

4-1-11 Damaged or Lost ball

4-1-11.1 Damaged ball

A ball is damaged for the game if it is visibly torn, cut or deformed. A ball is not useless for the game if it is only stained with mud or any other material, if it is scratched in its outside surface, or if the paint is damaged. If a player has reasons to believe that their ball has become damaged while playing a hole, they can mark it and raise the ball without any penalties to determinate whether it is or not damaged, according to the designed rule. If it is determined that the ball has become damaged for the game while playing a hole, the player can replace it with a replacing ball, marking the original ball and placing the new one where the original ball was laying, with no penalty. If the player does not follow these instructions without any good reason to believe that the ball is damaged, there will be a penalty of +1 kick. Playing with a damaged ball is allowed.

4-1-11.2 Lost ball

If a player believes that their ball went missing while playing a hole (e.g. in a water obstacle or outside the course), they can replace it with a provisional ball in order to save time, placing it where the original ball was laying before getting lost. A provisional ball becomes the ball ‘in play’ when the original ball is definitely lost or out of bounds and/or the provisional ball is kicked for the second time. If the original ball is found within the allotted time and is in bounds then this must be played.

4-1-11.3 Proceeding with damaged or lost ball

Play must be continued without delay, so the group behind (only one) must be called to continue play and the overcame one must restart playing when they have completed the hole. If the player is not ready to play, they will be scored maximum PAR +10 (Example: On a Par 3 the player will record 13) for that hole and every following faced without a ball.

4-1-12 Order of Play

4-1-12.1 When players start a hole

The starting order in the first hole is determined by the official groups list. In absence of the list, the honour should be decided by a draw. The competitor with the lowest score in the previous hole has the honour in the next one. The competitor with the second lowest score is the next one to play, successively. If two or more competitors have the same score in one hole, they will play the next one in the same order they did in the last one. If a game is played out of order there will be no penalty unless it is deemed it was done so to gain/remove an advantage. Penalty of +1 kick would therefore be to both players, the one due to play and the one that actually played.

Exception: In team formats the order of play between two or more players on the same team is permitted to alter.

4-1-12.2 While playing a hole

After the competitors have begun to play the hole, the ball that is furthest from the hole is played first. If two or more balls are in the same distance to the hole, or if their positions regarding the hole cannot be determined, the game order will be the same as in the start of the hole. Players have to wait behind the furthest ball, and in this way, get closer to the hole, taking turns and always behind the furthest ball, unless:

  1. Is requested to mark a ball, in which case the player must not stay in the intended line of play or putt line of any other player.
  2. If the game ball invaded another hole which is being played by another group and that might interfere with foreign game which makes it necessary to mark the ball quickly.
  3. There is a doubt about the position of any ball according to the limits of the course, in which case the first thing that the player should do is to mark the place from where the shot was executed and reach the ball is laying with his/her “marker” player to see its position. If the ball is outside the boundaries, it goes back to the ball marker applying the “out of bounds” rule. If not, the game continues normally.
  4. A player is ready to play and has been given permission to play by any of the remaining players in their group.

Any player who walks while another player in the group is executing their shot or that moves ahead of play will be deemed to have ‘bad etiquette’. If a game is played out of order there will be no penalty unless it is deemed it was done so to gain an advantage (e.g. A player is entitled to ‘tap in’ if the ball is located in the minimal green zone – 3 meters from the hole). Penalty of +1 kick would therefore be to both players, the one due to play and the one that actually played.

Exception: In team formats the order of play between two or more players on the same team is permitted to alter.

4-1-12.3 Multiple balls played at the same time (playing out of turn)

If multiple balls are played at the same time, no penalty will be applied unless the balls collide. If a player plays out of turn at the same time as another player and the moving balls collide, then the player deemed playing out of turn will be given a +1 penalty and will have to replay their shot from the original position. In this case the player deemed out of turn is the one nearest to the hole. The player who was entitled to play can replay the shot from the original position with no penalty (seeking prior approval from the other players of the group) or play from the position where the ball lies.

4-1-13 Out of Bounds

If a ball is off limits, the player must, with a penalty stroke, play the ball as near as possible from where the ball was last played. If there is a doubt about the position of any ball according to the limits of the course, the first thing that the player should do is to mark the place from where the shot was executed before reaching the estimated position of the ball. If the ball is outside the boundaries, the player goes back to the ball marker applying the “out of bounds” rule. If not, the game continues normally. If a player fails to play from the correct position and move on, for example realizing about the infraction in a following hole, they must add +2 to the score on the hole when the infraction occurred.

4-1-14 Ball at rest moved

4-1-14.1 By foreign cause

A foreign cause is considered any object, animal or individual that does not participate in the game of the group (Marshal included). The wind is not considered a foreign cause. If a still ball is moved by a foreign cause, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced by the owner player that must seek prior approval from the other players of the group.

4-1-14.2 By the player or partner, their caddie or one of their team

If one of the above during the normal play of a hole grabs or moves the ball, touches it intentionally, or causes movement of the ball, then the player falls into one penalty stroke. There is no penalty if a player accidentally causes the ball’s movement under the following circumstances:

  1. by looking for a lost ball
  2. by marking a ball according to a rule
  3. by placing or replacing
  4. by removing loose impediments
  5. by removing movable obstructions
  6. by creating their stance

If a ball at rest is moved, it should be replaced in its original position by the owner that must seek prior approval from the other players of the group.

4-1-14.3 By the opponent or the opponent’s team

If an opponent or their team moves the ball, touches it or causes its movement whether accidentally or not, they will receive a +1 penalty kick and the ball must be replaced back to the original position.

4-1-14.4 By another ball

When a still ball is moved by another moving ball, it must be replaced by the owner player or by the player whose ball moved it. They must seek prior approval from the other players of the group.

4-1-14.5 By the wind

If a player fails to call ‘STOP’ and the ball moves because of the wind, then the player must play the ball from the new position until the next player in the group executed the next shot (in which case the ball must be replaced back to the original position).

Note: If a player fails to play from the correct position they will receive the penalty of +1 kick.

4-1-15 Deflected or stopped moving ball

4-1-15.1 By a foreign cause (Rule 3-1-6)

If a player’s moving ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by a foreign cause (including a player, an object or cart from another group), it is an accidental interference and the ball may be played again from the original position without penalties or played as it lies. The choice is that of the player kicking.

4-1-15.2 By the player, their partners or their team

If a player’s ball is deflected or stopped while in motion by any situation that the kicking player has created themselves (i.e. the player’s own body, equipment or golf cart), the player receives +1 penalty kick and replay the shot from the original position. Exception made for any deflection or stopped ball behind the line of play.

4-1-15.3 By the opponent or their team

If a player’s ball is deflected or stopped while in motion by any situation that a player from the same flight creates, that player (not the kicker) receives +1 penalty kick to their score for that hole. The kicking player may play again from the original position without penalties or play as it lies. The choice is that of the player kicking. Note: a golf cart shared by the kicking player and another player in the flight results in a + 1 penalty kick for both players involved. Exception made for any deflection or stopped ball behind the line of play or when it hits a player or their equipment who was asked to mark another ball ahead of the line of play.

4-1-15.4 By another ball

If the executed shot hits a still ball, the hitting ball should be played from where it stops with no penalty (Exception: If the ball that was hit was on the green zone or advantageous position then a penalty applies according to the rules to the hitting player). The ball that was hit may be replaced by its owner or by the owner of the hitting ball according to the rules with no penalty (exceptions apply if the ball that was hit was on the green zone).

If a player plays out of turn at the same time as another player and the moving balls collide, then the player deemed second to play will be given a penalty and will have to replay their shot from the original position. The player who was entitled to play can replay the shot from the original position with no penalty (seeking prior approval from the other players of the group) or play from the position where the ball lies.

4-2 – The Tee Zone

4-2-1 Placing the ball and kicking

When a player is placing the ball in the starting place, it must be played within the surface of it, on the ground or a tee placed on that surface. If at the beginning of a hole a competitor plays a ball from outside the starting place, they fall into one penalty stroke and must play the ball again from the starting place. If a player fails to correctly play from the tee zone, they will be disqualified. Players can find the best place to put the ball without modifying the ground (e.g. digging the ground with their foot to elevate the ball). The ball can leave the starting area from any side of it, it’s not mandatory to kick the ball between the two tee markers.

4-2-2 Using a Tee

The approved Tee has to have conical shape with the following dimensions: 2cm height x 4cm internal diameter x 7cm base. A Tee can only be used in the teeing ground. If a player goes out of bounds when teeing off, a tee can be used when replaying the shot from the teeing ground. If a ball falls (for any cause) from the tee or is removed from it by the player when preparing the shot, it may be placed again without any penalties. Nevertheless, if the shot is executed while the ball is moving or not, the shot is valid, regardless of where the ball has landed.

4-2-3 Tee Markers

The starting markers cannot be moved for any reason. Penalty for breaking this rule is +1 kick. If, when playing any hole in the course, the tee markers are interfering with the stance or position of the ball, nearest point of relief can be applied.

4-2-4 Obstruction on intended line of play

A player is entitled to remove any movable obstruction when on the tee zone that is on their intended line of play (e.g. tee markers belonging to golf).

4-2-5 Playing from the wrong tee

If a player tees off from the wrong tee belonging to the right hole (e.g. men starting from the female tee) or tees off from a tee belonging to any other hole, they must correct their error — restart from the right tee — and add +1 penalty to the correct hole’s score, regardless of the number of wrong shots done. If they fail to correct, by finishing the offending hole, they shall score Par + 10 in that hole.

4-3 – The Penalty Areas

4-3-1 General

With ball in a water hazard or penalty area, a player is NOT entitled to relief from any immovable obstructions or loose impediment inside the hazard or on their intended line of play outside the hazard (including ground under repair, occasional water, abnormal ground conditions and similar). The player can remove movable obstructions located inside or outside it. However, they must use the ‘hazard kick’ (see 3-4-Hazard kick).

4-3-2 Red/Yellow Penalty Areas (Water Hazards)

When a ball falls inside a water hazard (red or yellow stakes and/or lines), the player can proceed in any of the following ways:

  1. Play the ball as it lays following the MAIN RULES OF PLAY, using the ‘hazard kick’, with no possibility to take relief from an immovable obstruction (including ground under repair, occasional water, abnormal ground conditions and similar) or loose impediment in the hazard interfering with position of the ball, stance or intended line of play (also outside the hazard). Note: All attempts inside the hazard will count if the player finally decides to drop the ball according to the following options.
  2. Play the ball from where the last hit was executed with +1 penalty stroke.
  3. Drop the ball from the point where the ball crossed the water hazard’s margin for the last time or to the sides within a two meter distance but not closer to the hole with +1 penalty stroke. The point of entry to a hazard is extended vertically up and down.
  4. Play the ball from a point linking the hole and the point of entry into the hazard with no distance limit with +1 penalty stroke. If it is the green side then they can drop on the hazard line or to the side up to two meter distance but no nearer also with +1 penalty stroke.

4-4 – The Bunker

4-4-1 Ball or player inside the bunker

The player whose ball is inside a bunker or the player kicking a ball from a bunker should execute the kick using the ‘hazard kick’, playing the ball as it lays following the MAIN RULES OF PLAY. With ball inside the bunker, a player is NOT entitled to relief from any immovable obstructions inside the bunker or on their intended line of play also outside it (including ground under repair, casual water, abnormal ground conditions and similar), with also no possibility to take relief from loose impediment in the bunker interfering with position of the ball, stance or intended line of play (also outside the hazard). They can remove movable obstructions located inside or outside the bunker.

Exception: A player is entitled to relief for casual water or ground under repair interfering with the position of the ball only.


  1. The player cannot improve the lie of the ball by moving sand.
  2. In a bunker only the standing foot may create a stance.
  3. The player whose ball is inside the bunker CANNOT smooth or fix the bunker until their ball is outside of it. (Exception: If they are asked to mark their ball by another player because it is on the intended line of play, they must smooth only their own footprints).

Penalty for breaching this rule is + 1 and replay shot from the right position.

4-4-2 Ball outside the bunker

A player whose ball is not inside the bunker may smooth or fix it before playing a shot from game space as long as no other ball is in the bunker. When any ball is in the bunker it cannot be touched in accordance with the rules other than smoothing after play (multiple balls inside bunker).

(Exception: If they ask another player to mark their ball because it is on their intended line of play. See 4-4-1c).

A player is not entitled to relief from casual water that is inside the bunker on their intended line of play.

4-4-3 Multiple balls in the bunker

When multiple balls are in the bunker, they can be marked and the irregularities (caused by the player or the shot) can be fixed for following players. If a player fails to kick outside the bunker, they must smooth irregularities if it is not their turn to play. However, if it remains their turn they cannot smooth irregularities.

4-4-4 Raking the bunker

Before leaving the bunker (if there are no balls inside of it), the players must level and smooth carefully the irregularities and steps they caused. If there is a rake, it should be used for these purposes.

Penalty for failure to smooth bunker before the next shot of any player is +1 kick.

Exception: A player is entitled to finish the hole if their ball is in close proximity to the hole (inside the green zone) in order to preserve the pace of play.

4-4-5 Occasional water in the bunker

If a player finds their ball in casual/occasional water inside a bunker, they can drop the ball in the nearest point of relief remaining in the bunker, without penalty.

In the case when the bunker is totally covered by occasional water and so it’s not possible to find a nearest point of relief inside of it, the player can drop outside the bunker not nearer to the hole keeping the flag and position of the ball inside the bunker in line with no distance limit but they must kick using the ‘hazard kick’.

A player is not entitled to relief from casual water in the bunker when they are outside the bunker. Example on their intended line of play.

4-5 – Green, Fairway and Rough

4-5-1 Impediments

4-5-1.1 Ball on the green

All impediments (abnormal ground conditions, occasional water, obstructions, loose impediments, etc.) can be solved without penalties if it interferes with the position of the ball or stance and putt line, always following the MAIN RULES OF PLAY.

4-5-1.2 Ball in the fairway/rough

Movable obstructions (bottles, cans, etc.) and loose impediments (leaves, branches, etc.) can removed if they interfere with line of play, stance or position of the ball. Players can take relief (“free drop”) only for immovable obstructions interfering with stance or position of the ball. Player can take relief from abnormal ground conditions, ground under repair, occasional water and similar if they interfere with stance or position of the ball, not for the line of play. Players must follow the MAIN RULES OF PLAY.

4-5-2 Touching the putt line or the intended line of play

These lines must not be touched, exception made for the player that removes loose impediments or movable obstructions, as long as they do not make pressure and makes sure of not walking on the line pressing down on the field with their body weight.

The player is also not allowed to take stomps over mounds of the terrain with the purpose of flattening the course which belongs to the line.


  1. While lifting or replacing the ball.
  2. While pressing down a ball marker.
  3. While removing movable obstructions.

Penalty for breaching this rule is + 1 kick.

4-5-3 Ten seconds Rule

When a player executes a hit and his/her ball stays still on the green zone, before executing a new hit or before marking the ball, the player has the right to wait ten seconds (from the moment in which the player reaches the ball) in case the ball moves. If by then the ball has not fallen into the hole, it is considered still. If the ball falls into the hole within ten seconds, the ball is considered as “holed” by the last player who kicked it, with no further kicks to add. If the ball falls into the hole passed these ten seconds, the player must replace his/her ball in its original position and continue.

Note: A player calling STOP means the ball is dead regardless of it dropping into the hole inside ten seconds.

4-5-4 Ball on the Golf green or Ground Under Repair

It is forbidden to play a ball from the golf course green (unless those courses which is explicitly allowed) or inside ground under repair. If a ball stands still on these areas, it must be removed from it by the player himself, entering with extreme care, and they should proceed according to the equidistant rule for golf green and nearest point of relief from ground under repair, or from a designated dropping zone. Moreover, it’s strictly forbidden for the player to take the run-up on both the golf green and GUR, only making a “putting” shot to kick the ball is allowed.

Penalty for breaching this rule is +1 kick and replay the shot with a free drop following Rule 4-1-4.3.

Note: The Committee may consider disqualification to a player damaging a golf green or GUR if there are enough reasons to support this.

Note: The ball can pass through a golf green or a GUR if kicked from outside of them.

4-5-5 Marking on the green

In accordance with Rule 4-1-5 in case of major wind or disruptive conditions, on the green players can kick the ball without removing the ball marker, to be able to find its exact original position in case of ball movement. Players can mark their ball and clean it if it’s in the green zone.

4-5-6 Managing the flagstick

Before executing a hit from any place in the course, the player may have the flagstick removed if he/she desires to but at no point can the flag be attended. If the flagstick is not removed before the player executes the shot, it must not be removed while the shot is being executed or the ball is moving.

When the ball of a player is resting against the flagstick inside the hole, but is not inside of it, the competitor that had played before must remove the flagstick vertically. If the ball falls into the hole, it is considered as a “ball in”, with no additional hits. If the ball has not fallen into the hole or if it has been moved, it must be placed in the edge of the hole, without any penalties.

The player cannot handle the flag and play a shot at the same time.

Penalty for breaching this rule is +1 kick to the player attending the flag and the player kicking.

Javier de Ancizar

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